3 Free Brand Identity Tools

3 free brand Identity tools for small business

Establishing a brand is one of the first steps in developing a marketing strategy. It’s a good idea to spend some time coming up with your brand identity when first starting. For existing companies, it can help you focus on your marketing or help you pivot in your positioning.

Adinkra Arts can walk you through this process. Our team of branding experts will help you convey just the right message to your customers.

What Do You Stand For?

More than what you do, your brand should speak to what is your business about? What are your values and what do you stand for? How do you provide value to your customers in a way unique to your company? You should ask yourself questions like this and incorporate the answers you come up into your brand identity.

Basic Elements

After you know your company’s identity you’ll want to express it in everything you do as a company. You should take the time to consider the things that will represent your company everywhere you go.

  • Company Name
  • Logo
  • Colors
  • Fonts

we will cover logos in another post, but here are a few tools that can help you get started on the other three.


Check the internet to see if your name is already in use. There is nothing like trying to sign-up to a service with your brand new business name in mind only to find out it is already in use.

Adobe Color

Choosing the right colors for your brand is an important step in establishing your brand. Adobe’s tool helps you with color suggestions and also gives you the ability to pull the colors out of a favorite photo.

Google Fonts

A collection of beautiful free fonts that are widely available in tools and applications. Their popularity ensures that you’ll be able to use your same fonts in all the documents you create. Google will make pairing suggestions so you will pick fonts that work well together.